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Essential Skills
555$Focused, steady-paced learning with rich insightful reportsValid for 3 months- 12 sessions (1 /week) + 4 free admission to special events
- Improves Motivation & Inspires Action
- Narrows Focus & Inspires Discipline
- Innovates & Inspires Creativity
- Conquers Anxiety & Inspires Confidence
Chess HIIT Program
777$Highly-Intense, Accelerated & Pragmatic Learning ProgramValid for 3 months- 12 sessions (1 /week) + 4 free admission to special events
- Reprogram Cognitive Learning Abilities
- Memory Recall & Productivity
- Build Resiliency, Confidence, and Stoicism
- Multidisciplinary, KPI's for "Tangential" STEM Education
- Transformational & Inspires Discipline
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